Exercising to Offset Hours of Sitting at the Wheel

Sitting all day has been shown to increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure, plus it can lead to muscle weakness, back pain, and more. As a truck driver, you can’t exactly get up and move around the office like some people with jobs that require extended periods of sitting, but there are still things you can do to fight back against the toll that sitting all day can cause. Try these exercises to keep your body fit when you’re spending long days on the road.

Take a Walk

Taking a walk is an easy and free way to get your blood pumping and your legs moving. Many rest areas have trails around, which allow you to get some fresh air and some downtime and exercise off the road. If you’re not near a rest area with trails, a few laps around the truck stop parking lot will do the trick. You can go for a long walk once a day, or take a quick 10-minute strolls every time to stop to build up activity over the course of the day.

Keep Exercise Equipment in Your Cab

A few hand weights, a kettlebell, or some exercise bands are just some of the portable fitness equipment you can take with you on the road. Arm lifts, squats, leg lifts, and crunches will help your body recover from being sedentary behind the wheel, and they will also help your muscles and joints loosen up, so that you’ll be less prone to pain.

Stretch Before and After Driving

Soreness and muscle stiffness can be serious issues for drivers. You can help to reduce the risk that they will be a problem for you by stretching before and after long drives. Spending just five minutes stretching each can significantly reduce your chances of feeling stiff and sore.

At Phoenix Driving School at Ft. Bliss, we give you all of the tools you need to thrive in your new career as a truck driver. Learn more about our El Paso truck driving school by calling (877) 206-8344.

4 Great Reasons to Become a Truck Driver

Are you looking for a career filled with adventure, new challenges, and the potential to earn big? If so, a career in trucking could be right for you. Truck drivers work with a great deal of autonomy and get to see the country while being paid a competitive salary. There is a greater demand for drivers than there are drivers to do the work, so there are plenty of jobs available for qualified drivers. Are you considering a career as a truck driver? Here are four things that make the job great.

You get to start working without a prolonged training period.

Many careers require years of training before you can actually start earning money. Working as a truck driver is different. Most drivers can complete the training necessary to earn a commercial driver license (CDL) in weeks, rather than months or years. That means you can be earning money without years of trying to make ends meet while in school.

You have access to a strong job market.

The need for truck drivers is increasing. The availability of drivers is decreasing. As such, trucking companies are almost always hiring, and they offer great salaries and benefits to try to lure drivers to their teams. As a truck driver, you’ll be in demand and have plenty of options for finding your perfect career.

You get to see new places.

Do you love to travel? Would you love to see more of the country? As a truck driver, you get to do that, and you get to get paid to do it. Instead of being stuck behind a desk, you’ll be behind the wheel, crisscrossing the country, so no two days will be the same.

You get to be your own boss.

As a driver, you may work for a trucking company or own your own truck, and you’ll have to deal with dispatchers and delivery schedules, but you will be in charge behind the wheel. No matter what kind of job you have, you’ll enjoy a great deal of freedom every day.

Are you ready to take advantage of the benefits of a career as a truck driver? If so, Phoenix Truck Driving School at Fort Bliss is here to make that dream a reality. Contact our truck driving school in El Paso today at (877) 206-8344.