Maintain Your Soldier Physique on the Road with These Exercises

When you decide that earning your CDL and becoming a truck driver is the career path for you, it doesn’t mean you have to give up your lifestyle altogether. There are plenty of workouts you can do on the road to keep yourself in shape and feel as healthy and proud as ever. Read on and learn how to maintain your soldier physique on the road with these exercises.

Jogging or Bicycling

If you don’t want to lose your soldier physique when you transition into truck driving, make sure you exercise as much as possible. Jogging and bicycling are great exercise options because you can do them just about anywhere. If you choose bicycling, be sure to find a small or collapsible bike so it doesn’t take up too much room in your truck.

Abdominal Squeezes

Whenever you stop at a red light or have a few minutes to spare, try doing some abdominal squeezes. All you have to do is tense up your abs for a period of time, so try holding your muscles for the duration of your favorite song. This exercise is convenient because you can do it right from the driver’s seat.

Weight Training

Like jogging and bicycling, weight training can be done anywhere you want. Make sure the weights you bring along with you don’t take up too much cargo space or weigh down the vehicle too severely. You can always add extra reps to increase resistance and intensify your workout.

Before you can jump into a career on the road, you’ll need to earn your commercial driver’s license. At Phoenix Truck Driving School at Ft. Bliss, we will do everything to help you earn your CDL and start your career in the industry. Feel free to give us a call at (877) 206-8344 or look through our website for more information.

Put Your G.I. Bill to Good Use with CDL Training

What better way to use your G.I. Bill than to prepare yourself to earn your commercial driver’s license? You can start by attending a CDL school, where you will meet people and make connections. You can then decide what specific type of trucking job you would like and make your way into the career of your choice. Put your G.I. Bill to good use with CDL training.

Earning Your CDL

As good of a driver as you may be, you can’t find a job in the truck driving industry without a commercial driver’s license. The good news is that there are schools geared towards preparing drivers to earn their commercial licenses. Your CDL school will teach you what you need to know in order to pass your exam, and it will give you the experience you need to excel in the industry.

Finding the Right Job

You will probably meet a great deal of people during your time in CDL school, and you will learn even more. You can consider the people you’ve met and the knowledge you’ve picked up to figure out exactly what kind of job you would like to procure within the trucking industry. Think about how far you’re willing to travel, how often you need to be home, and what kind of products you would like to transport when looking at your options.

Breaking Into the Industry

Once you’ve earned your CDL and found a direction, you can use your experience and connections to find a job in the trucking industry. Make sure you take care of yourself while you’re on the road so you can stay safe and enjoy a long career as a professional driver.

If you think you might be interested in CDL training, feel free to call Phoenix Truck Driving School at Ft. Bliss at (877) 206-8344. Our school will prepare you to earn your commercial driver’s license so you can put your G.I. Bill to good use. Please check out our website if you’d like to learn more about our CDL school.